Kant Felsefesine Dair Bir İnceleme

Alman filozof Immanuel Kant (1724–1804), "Saf Aklın Eleştirisi", "Pratik Aklın Eleştirisi", "Yargı Yetisinin Eleştirisi" ve "Aydınlanma" makalesinde aklın haritasını çizer. Bilim, ahlak ve sanat felsefesinde temellendirmeleriyle dikkat çeker. Aydınlanma ve eleştirel düşüncenin öncüsüdür.

Mercy: Central Teaching of Islam

Dr. Calis delves into the significance of mercy in Islam, tracing its roots to foundational texts and exploring its theological centrality.

Religion Must Return to the Fundamentals

Rabbi Yakov Nagen advocates for utilizing religion to foster peace. It warns against misinterpretations and suggests a reevaluation of religious texts to emphasize compassion and unity. It calls for deep theological dialogue and practical cooperation to overcome religious divisions.

İfrat ve Tefrit Arasında Kur'ân ve İlmi Hakikatler

Bu makalede Kur’ân’ın temel maksatları ve hidayet rehberi olması ile ilmî hakikatler arasındaki irtibat; Kur’ân ve ilmî hakikatleri kabul eden, etmeyen ve mutedil yaklaşanların görüşleri ele alınıp değerlendirilmiştir.

Religion as a Force for Peace

Rabbi Yakov Nagen speaks about the inherent tendency of authentic religious traditions to unify rather than divide and discusses efforts by "Nahdlatul Ulama" to promote global solidarity and respect among diverse cultures and religious traditions.

The Six Days of Creation Mentioned in Divine Scriptures

Dr. Ergi delves into the issue of the age of the Universe, discussing scientific estimates and religious interpretations. He examines the Qur'ānic narrative of creation, proposing a calculation aligning with modern science.

Abai Qunanbaev – A Luminary of the Kazakh Steppe

The article relates the biography and main ideas of Abai Qunanbayev, a famous Kazakh thinker and poet who promoted education and social justice. His understanding of faith emphasized the importance of education and ethical living and highlighted the value of hard work and altruism.